O truque inteligente de orgasme que ninguém é Discutindo

Ketika Anda klimaks tetapi tidak mengeluarkan atau mengeluarkan sangat sedikit air mani, Anda mungkin mengalami sebuah kondisi yang disebut dengan dry orgasm atau orgasme kering. 

Kesenangan seksual perempuan seolah-olah "dibatasi" dengan "kodrat perempuan" atau "seperti yang terlihat di pornografi".

Some women are too embarrassed to communicate clearly what they want to their partners; as a result, they wind up faking enthusiasm that they don’t feel, which only hurts intimacy in the relationship in the long run. Women who are more vocal about what they need generally are more satisfied with their sex lives.

[44][45] One explanation of this difference comes from the evolutionary perspective. Women have a higher minimum parental investment than males (they have nove months of gestation prior birth and are then the main care givers, whereas men only have to provide sperm to ensure their genes are passed on) and are therefore more likely to want commitment from their partner in order to gain resources to improve their offspring's chance of survival.[46]

In addition, there is some evidence that frequent ejaculation in males might reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Research finds that healthcare professionals diagnosed prostate cancer less frequently in those who had high ejaculation rates.

Orgasms can help people to sleep better. Research from 2019 finds that orgasms achieved with a partner resulted in good sleep outcomes. Orgasms achieved through masturbation resulted in better sleep quality and reduced the time taken to fall asleep.

For females, the muscles in the vagina and anus may contract roughly once per second, for around five to eight times. Heart and breathing rates may increase.

Ejakulasi mampu memperkuat keintiman dengan pasangan. Kondisi algemas para sexo ini bisa terjadi karena tubuh melepaskan hormon oksitosin dan prolaktin secara maksimal.

This article explains what an orgasm is in people of different sexes. It also looks at why orgasms occur and explains some common misconceptions.

Orgasm has many psychological effects. Most notably, orgasm is associated with the release in the brain of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which facilitates the experience of pleasure.

Orgasme serviks adalah proses yang sangat pelan. Tidak ada batas waktu untuk mencapai titik puncak ini.

Anda mungkin tertarik untuk mengeksplorasi bagian tubuh tertentu untuk mendapatkan rangsangan seksual secara maksimal. Kondisi ini bisa memicu pelepasan atau orgasme saat berhubungan intim.

Beri tahu suami bahwa Anda ingin mencoba orgasme serviks. Tidak seperti yang diyakini banyak orang, bukan cuma rangsangan klitoris dan G-spot yang dapat menghadirkan kenikmatan untuk wanita.

Apart from body parts exclusive to one gender such as the penis or clitoris, many of the erogenous zones are similar and contain many nerve endings.

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